Joint Mass Casuality Training with the United States Air Force

This past semester, UAEMS had the privilege of running a simulated mass casualty incident with the United States Air Force’s 943rd Aerospace Medicine Squadron at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Our EMTs practiced their skills alongside doctors, nurses, combat medics, and active-duty military personnel. Training alongside some of our nation's experts in emergency response systems, gave our EMTs a unique insight into how a mass causality incidences are handled in the field. While our EMTs may not be likely to encounter this type of event within our response zone, it is important to remain sharp and prepared, so we are ready if it does. This was a great opportunity for our EMTs to practice working cohesively with other agencies in providing high-quality emergency medical care. We look forward to future collaboration with the United States Air Force and other agencies to continue to build our knowledge of emergency response systems in the event of a mass causality incident. Below is a collection of photos gathered by the 943rd Aerospace Medicine Squadron's Public Information Department.